Monday, February 10, 2014


Pressing through the challenges of life are always easier when you have a support network around you, isn't it?

It really is an eye opening thought to realize who the people are that are really invested into seeing you through those times of struggle especially and to come to the realization that there are others more superficial in relationship than what you might have originally realized.

For me, I count myself so blessed to know clearly who those people are in my life who have made and continue to make such a positive difference.

To those that I have lovingly said goodbye to, that just want to be around for the good times and finally, for the awesome people I have yet to meet, I look forward to that.

To those people in my life that have made a difference to me,wh whether for a short time or a long time, I dedicate this day to you.

You know who you are and I hope to pay it forward myself to others in the same way you have shown me your kindness, love and grace.

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