Friday, February 13, 2015


There are times in life when the road feels like it is too long and too difficult to bear.  Be encouaged as this is where resiliency is born. This is where persistence matters and even in those moments of uncertainly and trepidation, you just instinctively know keep going.(kicking and screaming sometimes, but you keep going)

Perspective changes everything. It really does.  One person may feel like she is walking the edge of the most serious situation and another might view it as a thrilling adventure that gets the heart pumping, passion ignited and focus pointed to the outcome.

Consider asking yourself if there is another way you could view your situation right now.  Instead of feeling your situation with negativity, change the way you speak about it to positive and affirming word to a more positive approach; reminding yourself that his temporary joinery is worth it as you are a successful person already who will be wiser and stronger at the end of it.

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