Monday, March 31, 2014


Do you ever have those times where you worry about finances, work, health only to find out that in the end it was nothing to worry about anyway?

Or wondering how it is all going to work out and then it all seemingly does?

There are miracles that happen all around us.  Those things that just pop up and are serendipitous. Those things you can't really explain but you are sure happy that they just "showed up".

There are many miracles that happen and learning to see and understand that they are not always big.  It is a series of little things that happen along the way that once you start noticing, you will live a life with more gratitude and peace.

Trusting in the miracle of life can be an adventure. Are you up for it?

Sunday, March 30, 2014


When you take time to care about others, with no personal agenda but with a posture of love only, it is amazing the impact you can have on the lives of others.  

One of the most recognizable quotes from the bible is from 1st Corinthians.       It summarizes what an act of pure love looks like.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

New Living Translation (NLT)
Love is patient and kind. 
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. 
It does not demand its own way. 
It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

What are you giving up on that you should be pressing through?  
Are you taking offence to things that have nothing to do with you or if they do, can you take the high road and be the bigger person? 

Showing love comes in many different forms.  Do not be self serving but rather use the gift of love to be of encouragement and of good will to others. 

It will change your life as much as it will change another.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Do something that makes you happy today.

So often we worry about what is happening or not happening in our future and forget to live TODAY!   Learn to live in the moment. Become more disciplined in embracing every day as a day to fully live, feel and notice what is happening around you.

Amazingly, you will soon find that the stressors of daily life start to dissipate and become more manageable.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Do you give yourself permission to dream?

To conjure up what your idea of a perfect life means? How do great relationships make you feel? Or work that you bolt out of bed to get started doing? Or the smiling faces of the children in your life?

Whatever the dream, it really doesn't matter how old you are. You can start a new canvas today. Right now in fact.

Remind those that may be struggling in their life that the vision isn't complete. The beauty of life comes in many difference colours.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


It only takes one person to make a difference, one idea to change the world, one moment to build a memory and the list goes on.

Those ideas that are in your head and almost a whisper, may be the idea that changes your life.   The prompting that you feel to reach out to someone could be the exact moment they need to hear from you.

You are destined for great things however it always starts with one.   One step, one decision and the list goes on.  Never underestimate the power that you have and understand that one day you may wake up and realize you should have followed that one dream you always said you would fulfill.

What is just one thing that you could tackle today?  Dare you!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The power of our own perception of who we are and the impact we could be making in the lives of others is possibly the greatest gift or the greatest disruptor.

Too often, we get in the way of making great strides in life because our inner voices are telling us that we aren't good enough, not smarter enough, not attractive enough....and the list goes on.

The fact is, you are harder on yourself than others. The first step to building a more confident you is changing the way you think and speak about yourself.   Kick those negative messages to the side and replace with all of the things you are great at.

If you believe you are a winner, then others will too!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Loyalty is an offering that is given by one person to another person, company or a cause.

In this day and age, loyalty seems to be a rare gift that one should not take for granted but respect and hold on to.  One who commits to being loyal is someone who has made the decision to stay dedicated no matter what. Loyalty demands no exception.

If you are so fortunate to have loyalty extended to you, remember, handle with care.  In this day and age, it is a rare and priceless gift.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Extraordinary results are often met with an ordinary regime of focus, resiliency and the ability to stick to it.

The best leaders I know are the ones who have experience and intuition about what drives the human spirit.

Stretching yourself out of your comfort zone and experiencing ways in order to stretch your potential, gives you the added bonus and knowledge of what success feels like when you press yourself.

It then gives you the opportunity to transfer those personal triumphs to helping the team you lead experience success also.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I have been blogging a lot about developing your personal leadership potential.    I truly believe in experiencing opportunities that allow you to grow and learn new things about yourself.   So many times, people will comment that they want to have a career like mine, or take an adventure or have a future of maybe something they deem I have done. Really it comes down to taking action and there are so many people who inspire me to be doing better as well.

Being willing to be curious about what you could do rather than what you think you can't do is a great place to start.

Through the journey of leading my life in the best way possible, I have also journeyed through fear, doubt, worry and the list goes on. The difference I have found however, is pressing onward and persisting through it.  In seeking my potential, through doing things that may be out of my comfort zone, I always come out on the other side of those limiting emotions and have become wiser as to who I am and my perception of the world around me.

There is nothing that can replace, allowing yourself to have real time life experiences.

Are you going to live life through a book and reading everyone else's posts or will you grab life and start experiencing it on your own terms?

Food for thought...

Saturday, March 22, 2014


The character of who you are is so important.   Think of all of the qualities that people love about you and the ones that you love about yourself.  Focus on spreading those qualities and not the negative ones.   It is amazing the lasting effect that we can leave on people.

I have many people to thank who have taught me what I don't want to be and also those who inspire me to work toward making a bigger difference in my life and in the lives of others.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Change can be really hard.  Everything seems so confusing when there are disruptions in our life.

We live in an age where the ability to be flexible and adaptable is a necessity.  When life feels like it's in a state of flux and you feel like there are waves crashing all around you, remember there is a solution.

You can either stay in that same place and get bounced around; eventually creating more confusion, instability and fear, or you can push through the storm and deal with things head on.

That might include making tough decisions, having difficult conversations, doing a little reality check of your own life and the list goes on.

Just know, that in your courage to face any storm, you will always find a way to lead yourself out of it.   Being a great leader doesn't mean just in your work like.  It means you as a person are taking responsibility and steering your own ship. A little faith, hope and resilience doesn't hurt either as we wait for the calm to arrive once again.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


In celebration of the first day of spring!

Be challenged in your thinking of what you could be OR should be growing in.

Have you been waiting for something to happen? Or should you dig deep and understand that in order for something to happen, it is up to YOU to get it started.

Planting new seeds may take time but once you do (and if you take the time to give those seeds some attention), new growth will happen.

Enjoy this season of renewal.


Many times as a leader, we encounter many doubts whether it be in our own life or in leading others in our work or volunteer setting.  Learning to have vision and then trusting in that vision to let it fly is a process that you become more mature in the more you practice it.

It is in those moments, when all of the planning is done and the decisions are made, when you just have to let go, let it happen and start.

Too often, we hold tightly to fear and doubt don't we?

Turn that page and start to trust your instinct.  Trust in the process of letting go.

Imagine feeling the wind, the fresh air and the momentum that going forward with something will feel like. And don't forget the joy and the rush of the adventure of doing it with others.  Trust is not only in a plan but it is also in the people with whom you venture with along the way.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


How you start your today is key to how your day will unfold.   Wake up and take hold of the possibilities that await you. The positive ones!   No need to stir  up all of the negative things that can happen, as we can all come up with many of those, but rather see the potential.  Ask yourself the question, "How can this day get any better?" or "What is possible?".

With an attitude that shines AWESOME, you have no chance of having a bad day.  Awesome people, do awesome things and awesome things can change the world!

Go forth and have an AWESOME day!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Is your best potential being hidden?

What would happen to your life if that could be uncovered?

The best ideas I have ever had were born in the midst of some type of chaos. That includes the need or want for change, the desire to pursue something more and not sure what that is, or those survival moments in life where you are just looking for a way to make it through.

What ever place you are in, take comfort in knowing that even though it feels like it is swirling, maybe it is to bring the best idea to the top and to uncover the potential within you!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Do you ever notice that the people who are optimistic and excited about life are the ones that have others wanting to spend time being with them or working with them?

Instead of suppressing the things that bring you joy, stretch yourself to share it with others. Instead of focusing on what is going wrong in your life, celebrate what is right!

I want to know what brings my friends and colleagues happiness and I would love to have the opportunity to cheer them on!

Share joy!


Living an amazing life means also having fun and keeping a light heart. Here is just a little fun for your day. I must say...a great pair of shoes always makes me feel amazing!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


You don't need eyes to have vision but rather inspiration and the ability the dream, dream, dream.

Never lose sight of what could be, rather than defaulting to what couldn't be possible.

Never in our time has there been a greater opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship.

The most exciting visions are cast with heart, passion and the willingness to try.

What are you doing with your dreams?

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Change is often painful and hard. Making decisions that you feel in your heart are often times held back because your head continues to doubt your intuition. The best way to move yourself forward out of any situation is to make the decision that change is in fact the best way forward.

If you need to change some things about your work or your life, there is no time like the present to decide that it needs to happen.

Getting out of our way usually 90% of the battle!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I am consistently amazed at the behaviour of people. For a long time, I thought it was just human nature for people to want to see the negative in one another. To tear one another down out of jealousy, envy or just plain competition.

Throughout the years though, I have been pleasantly proven wrong by the people who see the potential of working together, cheering one another on, and generally looking out for the good of others.

I guess you need to choose what kind of giver you want to be. One that tears down someone who might be working hard and trying or one that can be used to build another up.

in the end it is up to you. It is also up to you who you want to surround yourself with as you will always learn from both sides of this and there is value in both.

Food for thought...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


On the cusp of a new season starting it is a great time of year to take stock of what is important. 

Consider removing those things that are not fulfilling you and to pursue joy. 

Joy is the essence of a soul that is vibrant, alive and filled to overflowing.


Believing in yourself can be a tough job. 

Believing you are worthy of greatness and that your potential is limitless can hold back any one of us. The truth is, if we don't believe in our own potential, how can others? What do you see in the mirror each day? 

Maybe it is time to start changing that view and to start accepting the fact you are more powerful than you think.