Thursday, October 30, 2014


Asking the right question can elicit focused conversation and bring about results.  It can also be so useful in discussions with team and with customers when discussing ways to solve their problems.  Asking "What if" questions opens the doors of possibilities. For the last 23 years of my entrepreneurial journey it is when I have asked questions starting with "What If" that have opened doors to the most amazing of opportunities.

Feeling stuck in some area of your life? What if you started to dream about what you want? What if you allowed people in your network to volley ideas with you and what if you made a decision to take a risk an act?

Never underestimate the power of a good question.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


As someone who as been a coach, educator and leader for a long time, storytelling has proven to be an effective way of explaining information.  A good story can elicit meaning and understanding. It can provide a spark of inspiration for someone and also show empathy and encouragement. 

A well crafted story can add a personal touch to any speech or presentation and can engage an audience.

Each one of us have many life stories that are worth sharing.  I call them "spark stories"  Those moments in your life whether dramatic, funny, poignant or frustrating that spark emotion and thought.  Those are the stories that are meant to be shared, giving testimony to a life well lived for better or worse. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


There have been many times that I had wished I had trusted my gut instinct on something.  I knew it wasn't a good decision to do something yet I went ahead anyway and immediately regretted it. Ever have one of those times?

Intuition is about listening to yourself.  Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning.  I also believe that if I focus on my intuition about situations and decisions I make and also trust that God is with me to help me make those decisions than it usually ends up being the best direction.

Many times we doubt our ability to know what is best for our life.  Maybe it's time to start being quiet. Listen to your innermost thoughts and feelings and when you feel peace you may just have the decision you are looking for.

Monday, October 27, 2014


The beauty of a new day is that you get a do-over.   You get an opportunity to see the day more positively, to treat people more kindly, to pick yourself up and give it another try.  I agree that life can sure be challenging sometimes however it is exactly the living of our life that builds our character. They refine our character, they build a grateful heart, they push us to limits that we never knew we could handle or overcome.  Life is exactly what it is supposed to be...a journey.

Live this part of your journey today with focus and appreciation of how far you have come and to celebrate the uncertainty of where you are going.  The more you are focused on truly living today, the more today will show you it's awe, wonder and possibilities.

Friday, October 24, 2014


The great thing about new opportunities is that it is unchartered territory and there are new lessons to be learned and experiences to be had.   How many times do we let our fear and uncertainty about our capabilities get in the way of saying "YES"!   The next time an opportunity comes your way, consider jumping in instead of overthinking all the reasons why you shouldn't.

There are times when you just have to go and do and figure it out along the way!

Enjoy the experience and don''t forget to full submerse yourself into the experience.   It may just be the most refreshing thing you've taken on in a while.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


A dear friend taught me a wonderful lesson a few years ago.

I have always been a positive person however after taking a big risk out of my comfort zone and launching a new business venture in an area where I had little expertise, I had been spending a lot of time being mentored and directed by numerous people who considered themselves experts and had much advice to give to me.  After some time I realized that in seeking inspiration from others, and being inspired and gaining a lot of knowledge, I also became a little big fatigued due to the fact that I was overloaded with differing thoughts, opinions, judgements etc...  

It wasn't until I had a conversation with my trusted friend who reminded me to go back to my heart.   Dig deep and remember why you started this in the first place as you know what you want to do.

I did remember that and soared.   Just because we may have to figure out "how to do something"  doesn't mean we shouldn't trust the ourselves in "why we started it in the first place and what hoped to achieve".

Starting to underestimate yourself and your dreams can be a big catalyst for failure and discontentment.  Balance out believing in yourself while at the same time surrounding yourself with those people, words and things that inspire you in a positive way!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


This is just so true!

How many times do we have opportunities fall into our lap and don't act on them because we don't have the time or have a million excuses as to why it won't work?  What if your reaction could be "YES" and problem solve it from there.

One of the best success stories that I have ever had, is making one phone call 12 years ago which led to another cold call and then a contract within 24 hrs. That one contract led to a 10 year relationship worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and opened the door to a myriad of opportunities.   Thankful for the courage to make that one phone call all those years ago.

The best opportunities in life are often the ones that are unplanned or unprepared for.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Gilles Bernard to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
November 10th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Gilles Bernard was fascinated about the idea of communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Furthermore, he realized that with this communication it could help people become aware of the power they have to make the changes they desire and to achieve their goals. Knowing that helping others was essential to clinical hypnotherapy, he chose this as his career path 10 years ago.

Gilles story is entitled "I Want To Learn Hypnosis". 

As a young boy Gilles was fascinated with magic and hypnosis and then in high school a hypnotist came to his highschool. He hypnotized my friend into stop smoking for a week and I was hooked. In my late teens, early adulthood I found myself smoking, drinking, emotionally eating...full of anxiety and stress. I remembered that hypnotist from high school, and it changed my life.

For more info on Gilles, find him at 

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Carrie Anne Stephenson to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
November 10th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:  

Carrie Anne Stephenson has a rich and diverse background, she is exceptional in Public Relations and Performance. Carrie Anne knows how to put on a show and build an audience. With her many experiences with Yuk- Yuk’s Stand up Comedy, appearing on Dragon’s Den, and eventually becoming the owner of her very own sought after event company; She has opened an extensive amount of doors to some very exciting opportunities!

Carrie's talk is entitled, "If you can’t make ‘em laugh...You can’t make ‘em listen.”

Going from a touring stand up comic, to event planning was a very natural process... Being booked for the stand up gigs allowed Carrie Anne to find a unique niche for her event planning skills, take charge and run the events and fundraisers herself. Now, she’s planning conferences, networking with like minded entrepreneurs, fundraising and she offers coaching and touring services with motivational speakers.

For more info on Carrie, find her at or on twitter @canadian_carrie

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets:


Relationships are what life is about, isn't it?

They can fill us up or tear us down. We live in interesting times in the sense that our connection to one another has drastically changed with the dawn of social media apps, texting and messaging one another.   Spending quality time in person may even seem quite retro to some as we shift our attention span to small bite sized communications.

At the same time, there has never been a time where authenticity and knowing that you are aligned in what you say and what you do has never been more important.

Relationships take work. Whether it is your marriage, your children, your team, your community etc..   Take time to invest into those people who need you and you need in return.   In focusing your time and effort on growing those relationships, you will find out what is important and uncover new understanding of those you care about.

Relationships are never a waste of time when acted upon with the right intent.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Chris Moss to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
November 10th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:
Chris Moss has been mobilizing leaders to seek opportunities where they can make significant social change, authentically. Chris has a Masters degree in Leadership with a focus on transforming organizations and entire communities. With expertise in organizational culture, change management and facing challenging situations, Chris works with leaders of all levels to rethink the way they do business.

Chris' story is entitled "Authentically Normal".  Chris was blessed with the gift of two lovely daughters, 16 and 18 years old. These girls being touched with mental health issues was a different type parenting. Chris learned about herself, her leadership abilities, and how to be a strong advocate in life for others. Sharing her journey of parenting challenging, energetic, creative girls will reveal a new, authentic normal.

For more info about Chris, you can find her at or on Twitter @christine_moss

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 



Dr. Laura Gravelle is a family based wellness chiropractor in London.  Here goal is to unite, support and inspire families towards a lifetime of wellness.  Her passion for life, health and humanity are clearly demonstrated in all she creates.  She is a sought after speaker on health, healing, motivation and how to "live your best life". She has four children under six and a loving husband David.

Laura's story is entitled "When The 2x4 Struck".  Wondering, watching and waiting.  June 30th, 2013 life changed drastically with the birth of Dr. Laura's fourth baby, five weeks early. Wondering what the doctor's will do, watching all the tubes and needles go in, waiting for good news by the bedside day and night. When life knocks you down and out with a 2x4 moment, a course correct in life is what follows.

For more info on Laura, you can find her at or on Twitter @chirolaurag

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Mindy Williamson to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
November 10th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Mindy is a mom, an entrepreneur, a college professor, dog lover, and lover of all things chocolate. She spent 20 years on morning radio, and now teaches broadcast journalism and radio broadcasting at Fanshawe College, and teaches 'The Art of Speaking' through her business called 'Speaking Matters'. Mindy loves to talk and believes that all important conversations should be done face to face.

Mindy's story is entitled "Confessions of Chronic Texter".  Mindy shares a collection of stories and observations of how the important moments in our lives are missed when we are glued to technology in order to seek instant gratification.

For more info on Mindy, find her at or on Twitter @mindywilliamson

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


We all have an opportunity given to us every single day.  It is the opportunity to shine.

It doesn't have to be anything big but it should be something.  Making a difference starts in the heart.  It starts with the desire and determination that the spirit of who you are is enough. That God has gifted you with a unique life only to you and that you should use it to it's utmost potential.

There is no time for couldn't, shouldn't or doubting who you are.  Just start with a smile to someone in need or calling a friend when you think of them. Learning how to make your mark is simplistic in its approach. Just go and do and be the best version of you.  Compassionate, caring, humble, loving, empathetic, giving ... and the list goes on. We all have many character traits that are most positive than negative. Foster the positive ones and you will, without a doubt, make your mark!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I have always been one to use music as a motivational and uplifting tool for my life.

I learned a long time ago that what I read or listen to is my choice and that in my choice, it can be uplifting to my life or it can be negative.  As much as possible I choose those things that are going to sow goodness and love into my life.  Whether it be worship music, motivational talks or quiet reflective sounds, I am always attuned to what my heart and soul are craving.

It might seem silly but if you want change in your life, start with the little things like limiting or changing what you listen to.

It could just be the catalyst you need to living and embracing a more positive filled life.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Being purposeful and present in life can really open your eyes to so many things that maybe you haven't seen before. Can you imagine what opportunities await you if only you would look a little closer and listen more?

Taking stock of what you have all around you is the best place to start. Feel in a slump?  Take a moment to notice even the water drops on a flower or the texture in a flower.  There is much to be amazed about life. Much more than being disappointed and bored with life.

Be interested. It makes all the difference.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


When was the last time that you took a risk?

That you really stretched the potential of who you are, whether it be intellectually, physically, emotionally or spiritually?  Maybe it is a career shift or the courage to set boundaries and honour yourself more.

There are many ways to stretch yourself and I believe we should all challenge ourselves to push our limits.  To believe in our potential and to trust in ourselves, knowing that pushing through fear and uncertainty can only result in new knowledge and acceptance of our potential.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Encouragement is something that you can never get enough of.

How could it change your perspective of the world around you if you made a choice to encourage even a handful of people this week?

Some of the best leaders in the world are those that consider themselves "encouragers". Remember your favourite family member, teacher, coach, sunday school leader and all of those other special people that you remember as your cheerleaders?  Who considers you their cheerleader?

Support comes in many different forms and for some, just knowing that you are rooting for them can make all of the difference in the world.

Similarly, find people who can be an encourager for you. Knowing you have support and caring is the fuel that keeps hope in others alive and gives you great confidence in knowing you have a solid network of great people around you.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Life is all about a series of decisions.  

Our emotions don't have to play as large of a part as we let it. Especially in times of stress or duress.  Learning to cope with fear and self doubt is a journey for many.  A different approach would be to not take yourself so seriously.   Laughter is a great remedy for many things and when you tell fear to take a hike and choose adventure and enjoyment over fear, it changes perspective quickly.

Is it easy to do?

For many, I would say no. It is a discipline to be learned.  Fear is many times just the unknown of not having experienced something or your memory is triggering something associated to your fear.  Those situations you can control. The ones that are irritating but not life threatening.. learn to let it go and take it in stride and lighten up.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


How often do we stand firm on a principle just because we want to be the one who is right?

Really leadership comes when you can recognize that at times you have to concede and that doing the right thing is much more important than being the one who is right in the situation.

Integrity is a key trait of a solid character.  In refining and building upon the character of who you are, remember that in order to lead yourself effectively and to make a difference, knowing with clarity what is "right" is key to realizing success time and time again.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Feeling a little cluttered?  It happens. You get confused, disheartened and then end up in the continuous cycle of self doubt and self loathing and end up in the land of indecision.

The best way to move out of this type of situation is to start getting clear on what you want. Really clear.  Taking time to be honest with yourself and to figure out what is it you want.   Once you get to the place of understanding your purpose you will then start making decisions to cut things off and make decisions to move forward in a fashion that excites you and reenergizes your soul.

Sometimes this process is the hardest work you will every do but in the end you will thank yourself for it.

Monday, October 6, 2014


It is always interesting to me how life gives us lessons to learn. Many times it happens in the most unlikely of places or through the most unlikely of people.

I remember years ago watching the movie The Five People You Meet In Heaven based on the small book by Mitch Alborn.  The movie about the life of a man who had random moments with five different people and unbeknownst to him either changed the trajectory of his life or brought him an insight years later. I have never forgotten that book or that movie and many times wonder who are those five people in my life that were defining moments for me.

How often do we experience things and then years later think back and finally realize the purpose of that part of your journey?

Always growing, learning and revealing. Yes... that is what we call life.

Friday, October 3, 2014


There are people out there that seem all too positive about life. Do you know the ones I mean?

I believe it is because they have learned one of the secrets to powering their life with positivity, motivation and joy.

Making conscious choices every day of where to put your focus on starts to turn the tide of negativity and despair and replace it with the most interesting of experiences.  Even the inside of this flower would be something that most people would miss, however, someone who is intentional about seeing and experiencing their everyday would pick up the beauty and the hues of colour that are present in the moment.

What are you missing by racing through each day?  Change your focus and watch what happens.

You might just find it interesting in the most positive kind of way.