Saturday, September 27, 2014


John Robinson to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
October 13th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:
John's story is entitled "My Wife Calls Me Sheldon".  John has a high IQ and thus, early on, became very bored with school. While attending university (the first time), he majored in Ceeps 101until one day when he walked across Victoria Park to the Armed Forces recruiting centre and in that moment joined the Air Force.  It was there that he was introduced to a simple concept of a block diagram thus forever changing the way John views life.
You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

John Robinson is the owner of Stan Portley's and is lovingly referred to as the Professor of Paintology. Though he has an engineering background, upon entering his store at Richmond and Horton, you will see the artistic side of John. Here he shares a myriad of painted furniture styles and through his classes teaches people simplicity in decorative arts. John is married with 3 sons, 5 grandchildren, 5 cats and 4 pairs of ballroom shoes.

For more info on John, find him at or on twitter @johnrobinson777

For Tickets: 

Friday, September 26, 2014


Melinda Oake to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
October 13th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Melinda Oake is a mom of three grown children, a RN with 25+ years of experience working with children and families in crisis as an organ donor coordinator. She is currently studying to be a Homeopath. Melinda spent the last 5 months in Guatemala working with visiting service teams and dreams about one day returning on a long-term basis, working with the indigenous Mayan people in rural communities.

Melinda's story is entitled "Please Step Away From The Box".  Life can lead us down some very difficult side roads. If we hold on and commit to only take one step at a time we may discover we have been directed into the midst of some very exciting opportunities. The last five years have been filled with challenges for me. Today, I look back and see how thinking outside of the box has lead me into a world of adventure.

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

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Do you know that you are gifted?  You are.

Every single one of us has the ability to make decisions and to take action on them.  That is called leadership.  Lead yourself first. The best way you know how. Do everything to the best of your ability and treat others with respect as you would like respect. Start there and you will see amazing things happen.   Leadership is a journey. It is a process of learning what you are capable of and the learning is never complete.

Wisdom comes from experience and the only way to gain experience is doing. So, go try new things, have those difficult conversations and the good ones too. Start to learn what you are fears are and your dreams are and make decisions one at a time. It is in these experiences that confidence is fostered and dreams are realized.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Kathleen Mundy to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
October 13th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Going from a successful career in real estate, to being an unemployed single mother, to building a multimillion-dollar business in five years, Kathleen Mundy is now CEO and Business Coach of Making Your Own Money, and works exclusively with entrepreneurs who want to make a significant change in their life and business. Kathleen speaks and shares her dynamic message of empowerment and reinvention.

Kathleen's story is entitled "How Do You Spell Success?" Going from a successful career in real estate, to being an unemployed single mother, to building a multimillion-dollar business in five years, now CEO and Business Coach of Making Your Own Money, Kathleen’s is a riches to rags to riches story.

For more info on Kathleen, find her at or on twitter @myomoney

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

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Heather Scratch to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
October 13th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Heather Scratch is a Canadian Ambassador and Educator for the professional beauty industry. Globally renowned Director of the internationally awarded STUDIO H Hair Spa and Body Spa London.  A proud wife and mother of four, including twin step-daughters and 3 grandchildren whom are her love and light. 

Heather's story is entitled "Let Me Be A Hairdresser". As Heather prepared to graduate from her country high school, her father (a Preacher), school principal & guidance councillor strongly discouraged her desire to be a hairdresser saying that her career choice was not a good one and that she should reach for a higher goal in life with her natural gifts. However a dream of the famous Iconic Vidal Sassoon England soon became a life lesson and 30+year mentored journey.

For more info on Heather, find her at or on twitter @heatherwscratch

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

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I have always been an ideas person.  Hundreds of ideas it seems spinning through my mind. Not all acted upon but the go to ones always seem to bubble up to the surface.   

Experiencing new things and finding outlets to foster your creativity are key to helping you refine skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, strategic planning, innovation and the list goes on.

As adults we are wired to learn through hands on activities and experiences as learning comes more from a practical tangible interaction versus just reading about it.

So the next time you feel like doodling, colouring, painting and any other hobby perceived waste of time, just remember it could be exactly what you need to find the next winning solution.

Thoughts to ponder...   

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Dan Ebbs to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
October 13th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Dan Ebbs is a successful Canadian Playwright having written numerous plays and one man shows.  He started his career in Toronto in the 80s, but decided he liked eating. He became a high school Drama and English teacher in Leamington and London, and taught English as a Second Language in South Korea and the Czech Republic. He is well known in the London theatre scene and is always looking for creative ways to express his ideas.

Dan's story is entitled "One Day At A Time".  Being sexually assaulted when he was 16 changed the trajectory of his life and started a journey of learning what resiliency means. Now, in his 50's and being the sole caregiver to both parents who have dementia, Dan recognizes the impact, meaning and humour that life throws at us. He's still here and ...relatively sane

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Maureen Hagan to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
October 13th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Maureen Hagan is a award winning fitness professional, physiotherapist, author and speaker. By day she works as Vice President of Operations at GoodLife Fitness and Education Director with Canadian Fitness Professionals. In her spare time Maureen travels the world teaching and inspiring people to live and lead fitness, shaping fitness leaders and health educators in her path.

Maureen's story is entitled "Lessons Learned From The Gym Floor".  Most of us give up trying when the odds are against us, or when people tell you that you are not good enough. If that was true, then Maureen Hagan's true purpose would have never been discovered. She used exercise as therapy beginning as a child and applied lessons learned from the gym floor to become an athlete of life and, achieve her true purpose as a teacher and motivator.

For more info on Maureen, find her at or on twitter @mohaganfit

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Have you ever considered that we live in excess?  

That in some sense of human need we have this need to accumulate and hold onto things. To stuff that make us feel important and worthy of status or whatever that need is.

What if matters of the heart became more important?

What if opening your eyes to the needs of your community and seeing the potential to make a difference far outweighs the stuff that you are attached to.

The difference that you could make in someone's life and your own could be limitless.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Stress can be a serious problem.

Not dealt with, it can result in serious ramifications including negative impacts on work, relationships, finances and especially health.  There is great value in learning to relax. Taking time to just breathe and be peaceful not only rejuvenates your adrenals but also allows a reset for your brain and your ability to create as well.

Make time every day even for a few minutes for yourself. Turn off technology and anything else distracting and give yourself even 10 minutes.

With practice this will be a regime you will be sure to take advantage of more and more.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


It is so easy to be negative about ourselves. Picking apart all of the things that are perceived less than perfect. Too bad it is usually that sabotaging part of our brain that won't allow us to celebrate and embrace those imperfections as perfectly unique about each one of us.

I once heard a speech giving by a man who said that the richest place in the world was the graveyard as that is where millions of ideas not realized, gifts not shared and talents not explored live.  Now is your chance to not live with regret but to accept those imperfections but do it anyway.  Don't wait for the perfect timing, perfect business plan, perfect bank account... If you wait for perfection it will never arrive as you will most likely find another reason.

Be useful NOW!  Because if you "USE" your gifts as you have them, you will surely have a "FULL" life that will result of it.   (yes, a play on words is always fun once in a while!)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Isn't it wonderful when life feels good?  

When everything you do just seems to put a skip in your step and a smile on your face?   

Getting yourself on the right track takes work. 

It's a process of identifying and discovering what it truly is that you want to do. Defining what gifts you have that you should be sharing with the world and defining where you want to go.  When you start to get an idea about this and then start to take action toward it, you will be postured to see opportunities and reminders that support your vision over and over again.

Just like any route, you can always course correct and choose a new path. 

That is if you are driving. Thoughts for another day...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


When you think you have totally screwed up and there is no way to turn it around take heart.
There is always room for personal growth and change.  Even when you can't fix a situation, you can mostly certainly refine the way you respond, react and reflect on your role and how you handle things.

Turning over a new leaf, or doing better the next time, is always something you can strive for.
We learn from failing, from loving, from making mistakes and from disappointments ...and the list goes on.  

Gratefulness and empowerment comes from having a fresh perspective of yourself and others around you.

Monday, September 15, 2014


There are many times in life where you feel almost exposed. Like being on centre stage with the spotlights on you.   It could be a job interview, pitching a great business idea or for investment, selling yourself for school, being interviewed for the media or just plain having to speak in public.  Those moments that make you uncomfortable but at the same time when it is done you were a little energized because of the experience.

The next time you feel you are in the proverbial "hot seat", embrace the moment to show what you can do!  Opportunities come from the most interesting of places at times and maybe, just maybe this is your time!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Having a healthy and positive self worth is so important. Many of us tend to step away from believing in our potential for many reasons. It could be fear, uncertainty or just plain apathy.   Whatever it is, maybe it is time to change that.

Developing a strong mindset will take you far in life. It starts with believing in your own potential.  

The happiest people I know are those that are confident in who they are and embrace life fully.

There is nothing wrong with being confident and standing tall as we all have unique gifts and talents to share with this world.  In sharing those gifts we inspire and lead others, many times without even realizing it.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Leadership is only effective if you know where you are supposed to be going and who you should be leading with you to get there. Many times our failure is not in the idea but rather in the steps to get there.

Indecision, lack of confidence, lack of knowledge or skill and just plain laziness might be making you more lost than your vision.

So, here's an idea. Set your sights on where you desire to get to.  Now, start to backtrack and ask yourself all of the steps (or tasks) that you need to accomplish to keep moving you there.  Sounds simple right? Well, from a task perspective it usually is. The dream can be daunting but the single steps to get there are the easiest way to start.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Life can certainly be difficult at times and I know there are days when it feels as though you are drowning and the waters are just too rough. 

Answer these two questions and you may be find some relief.

Do you know what you believe in? Do you know what you stand for?  

One of my favourite passages of scripture is the following from Psalm 31:1-3

"In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge; Let me never be ashamed; In Your righteousness deliver me. Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; Be to me a rock of strength, A stronghold to save me. For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me."
Having faith in what you can't see is a discipline to be practiced.  The beauty of this discipline is that it becomes a beacon of hope, and although tested against often, you condition yourself to believe in a brighter tomorrow.  

Similarly, when you hold fast and true to those core values that define you (honestly, integrity, compassion etc...) those will also help to anchor you and give you a solid foundation that will help to weather any storm.

Photo Credit: Victoria Craig - Lake Erie, Ontario

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Let me put it quite simply. You can't shoot for the moon unless you have the right attitude and commitment. The journey albeit beautiful in many respects is often challenging, lonely and a lot of hard work.

What often sees so far away will once in a while give you a much closer glimpse of what seems so intangible.  It's kind of like our dreams. You know, those big hairy audacious goals? The pie in the sky, "What if nothing could hold me back?", kind of dreams.

The big picture seems impossible at the best of times, however, one day something happens or someone says something to you that gives you hope that it really is not as far off in the stars as you once thought.

The power of choice is an absolute gift.

It can be uplifting and strengthen your resolve or the lack of choosing for yourself, can be debilitated and confidence crushing. In the end it's your life, your choice.  Choose to be amazed and keep seeking opportunities.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


It is so easy to start the day without having a plan or purpose.  

The power of choosing to be in the right mindset for the day dramatically increases your ability to be successful, positive and achieve the results you are looking for...if only you were ready to.

The old adage states that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", however it is the beholder that needs to choose to see, find or search out that beautiful.  Intention set in the right direction can produce the most brilliant of results.  Get yourself ready, open your eyes and take in the day with all of your senses.

Have a great day!

Friday, September 5, 2014


There is something to be said for learning resiliency.  Unfortunately the only way to do that is to come against obstacles and find ways of working through them.  How do you find those obstacles? Well most times, they find you.

Those moments that life hands you that seem unbearable to navigate through. The ones where you want to curl up in a ball and disappear.   Yep, those time.  

The interesting thing about overcoming is that you did it.  In retrospect, most people learn to be thankful for the lessons learned from those difficult times as it has made them who they are today.

The great thing about problem solving is that little by little your ability to adapt, change and learn to be flexible becomes better and better until the obstacles don't seem as big...just little bumps in the road.

Hang in there!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


It is amazing what we don't see, isn't it?  

So quickly, we can get into a pattern of responding negatively to what life looks like in the immediate present before we catch ourselves to stop, think, reflect and be thankful for the reminders of goodness that are around us.

In the most random of places you can find reminders.  Just like this sign, found under a bridge. In the midst of dirt, darkness and damp surroundings, I am reminded of someone that is pressing through and finding the good in the situation.

What good do you need to find today?

Choose to live happy!  If you are living and breathing, you might as well inhale and exhale with hopefulness and happiness.   It's that simple.  Changing our behaviour and the way we react...well that is the hard part.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Serving others is a gift that is waiting for you to discover.

Growing your leadership abilities is most effective when you understand that being of service to others in a positive way is both a necessity and a privilege.  So often we forget that managing and leading others is actually about them and not about our title or our position.

Want to change the tide of the relationships in your life?

Try helping others for a change and watch the exciting wave of positivity that will start to happen. It might be small at first but with consistency and focus it will grow.  No doubt about it!

Photo credit:  Victoria Craig