Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I love time spent with those I care about.  Sharing stories, heartache and laughter... lots of laughter.   There is no greater gift you can give than that of your time and interest.  

Show people that you are willing to set aside time to be with them, without distractions and to just be in the moment and enjoy.  It really is refreshing and unfortunately, so many have forgotten the art of just being with others. Technology has certainly changed the way we communicate and some really do consider texting a form of true friendship.

I challenge you to change the story and meet with people face to face making memories that matter. Life is too short not to embrace those that want to share it with you.

Thoughts to ponder....

Check out my other blogs at or my website

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Oh the joys of taking risks.  Often times it just lends itself to high stress and a lack of confidence, second guessing whether or not to jump in and go for it.  

Remember the last time you took a risk in your life.  How did you feel once you did it?  I am sure you felt like you conquered or at least learned a valuable lesson in the process. 

The only way we grow is to experience life.   It is through those experiences of life that we grow through the people we meet, the challenges that face us and the successes and failures we go through.

Risk is about stretching your potential and no matter what the outcome you can always count on the fact that you will be changed from it.

Thoughts to ponder....

Check out my blog

Monday, December 29, 2014


Kate Wiggins to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
January 12th, 2015.
The Western Fair District Carousel Room at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Kate Wiggins has worked in the not for profit sector for most of her life. She currently is the senior leader at Women's Community House where she has worked for the last 12 years. Kate is a feminist and a Buddhist. She is the mother of a lovely son, whose wife has blessed her with 3 delightful grand daughters. In addition to her mom, she lives with an understanding man and 3 rambunctious dogs.

Kate's story is entitled "Growing Up Marjorie"

This is the abbreviated story of Kate Wiggins's mother's incredible life and how it has so completely influenced Kate's own journey without her even realizing it. From Marjorie's near death experience as a nine month old, to the loss of her fiancé during the Second World War, and her marriage to Kate's father a bomber pilot with PTSD Marjorie has endured and by her example has influenced Kate.

For more info on Kate, find her at

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Have you ever had those ideas that just seem outrageous?  

I am sure there are a few on everyone's bucket list.  One thing I have learned is to have the courage to go after those crazy ideas.   It is in those experiences that some of the most memorable memories are formed and of course, the best stories will be told.

Learning to live life with more exuberance builds your vitality and keeps youthfulness alive.   Amidst the trials of life and the day to day routines, challenge yourself to do something out of the ordinary.

It just might give you the breath of fresh air and renewal that you are looking for.

Check out my other blog posts or

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The first company I owned in my twenties resulted in having to lead thirty staff members.  With little training on management, I had to trust in my own innate abilities.  I had to forge ahead and learn the best way to keep my team engaged and excited in what our collective mission was.

The responsibility of leading others can certainly be daunting and overwhelming at times. It is also a privilege.  Learning to communicate and clearly articulate what you want from them and being able to define outcomes takes skill and practice.

I learned early on that the best way to create a sustainable culture of engagement is to work on having your team lean in the same direction. When you lean into something you are poised and ready,  focused and present.  In an age where there is a myriad of distractions being able to have your team "lean in" together is a worthwhile achievement.

You can read as many books as you want but the fastest way to get others to lean is for you to lead the way and model the same behaviour that you want from them. 

Check out my other blogs at

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Shadows. We all have them.  Some bigger than others but there are regrets, experiences, decisions and those less than perfect memories that make us who we are today.   Resiliency is born out of overcoming barriers to which you never thought possible.  

It is often times when you are standing in the light and have the opportunity to reflect that you realize it was those exact trials that made you into the person you are today.

It is how you choose to see your shadows that is the key.  

Instead of self recrimination, regret and despair, take a deep breath,  raise your head up high and go forth with the intention of finding those areas of light that give you hope, purpose and a renewed positivity and passion for life.

Is it easy?  

No. It is hard work getting beyond those things that hold us back. Often times, the hardest being our own self worth.  Choosing to be thankful and showing gratitude is a powerful mindset. Working on how you perceive life and disciplining yourself with positive affirmations and self talk is a powerful tool for embracing a more hope filled life. 

Monday, December 15, 2014


Do you remember the old adage, "You are what you eat?".  Well I believe the same is true for the types of people that you choose to surround yourself with.  How many of you are putting up with negativity, judgement, gossip and competition?  How could life change for you if made the decision to start surrounding yourself with positive people.

People who find joy in the moment. People who love to laugh.  People with great insight and who are smarter and wiser than you? Those who have challenged life and have shown resilience to overcome barriers only to be grateful and view life as a wonderful journey and not as a living hell?

Take stock of those friends you keep and ask yourself if you need to make some changes. What decisions do you need to make in the best interest of a fruitful and full life.

When you intentionally remove negativity, you allow for the sweeter things in life to appear.

Dare to Dream!

Check out my other blog posts at

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I remember getting a kaleidoscope as a kid. I love how you can look through the looking glass and turn it and see the most colourful and brilliant designs. It always reminds me of stained glass in an old church.  Thinking of my childhood kaleidoscope also made me ponder on how I view my life.

Life is such an interesting journey.   I have been reflecting on numerous memories of late and wondering if I am remembering them correctly or if it happened in a different way that I am recreating it in my memory banks.  It then made me realize and start asking myself questions about how I view my life.  There are so many ways in which we can respond or live our life and it comes down to our choice and our perception of what we have lived and how we desire to live going forward. 

I realized how easy it is to find the negative but also how beautiful it is when we find the colourful moments that make up a beautiful live that we love to think about. My goal is to be much more thankful about what I do have than what I don't have.  

How I view my life is up to me and I want to embrace everything that is good and right with it.  

What about you?

I invite you to connect with me at or on social media @paulamorand.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


It is amazing how quickly a little bit of self loathing can disrupt even the most confident of people.  Learning the importance of self worth and believing you are capable is by far the most important gift you can ever give yourself.  

Take time to think, speak and listen to positive self talk. Remind yourself constantly that you are worthy of great things and are beautifully and wonderfully made.   One of the best qualities a good leader shows is the ability to stand tall and show confidence.  If you don't always feel it, keep pushing through until you see the amazing person that others see in you.

Friday, December 5, 2014


There is something beautiful about the word "still". It conjures up peacefulness and contentment doesn't it?  Learning to be still is a discipline that many people have trouble doing.   Taking time to just breathe, be quiet and to reflect in your own thoughts or to clear away everything and just be still.

If you took 15 minutes a day to just be still and to let go, you will start to notice an amazing difference in your life.  It may look like you are doing nothing but in fact you are. You are giving yourself the gift of recharging so that you can lead in a more grounded and clear way.

Enjoy the day!

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I remember the days when I was a kid growing up and my parents would send me out and tell me to make sure I come home when the street lights came on. We would spend our days riding our bikes, skipping, playing with friends and laughing as much as we could. Sunday was always a family day and we all ate a meal together with many extended family and friends.  Those are great memories.

As the years have gone by and experiences have been had, I am cognizant of the fact that the simple things in life are becoming more and more important.  Joy is something that is a precious feeling. It fills your heart, soul and mind and when joy is present not only can you feel it but others can see it in you as well. 

It is not something you can buy, or even choose. It is something you earn when you work hard at letting go and finding peace and purpose with your life. Of accepting and being grateful for what you have and learning to embrace the goodness that is waiting for you  

It is a remarkable feeling when you can get to a place of joy.  

Give yourself the gift of making joy something to work for.  

Check out my blog

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


ELVIS is in the house!!!!

Introducing........let the drum roll and buzz begin.....our next little secret for our December 8th show!!!!!

Please welcome to our lineup....the most famous rock and roller of all to help ring in the Christmas Holiday season at momondays London...TIM "E" HENDRY!

Tim ‘E’ was crowned the 2013 KING OF THE WORLD ELVIS
TRIBUTE ARTIST WORLD CHAMPION, on August 16th 2013 in Memphis
He is also the 2014 LaCrosse Wisconsin Elvis Explosion Grand Champion
The 2014 Shake Rattle and Soul Festival Grand Champion,
The 2014 SkyDancer Casino Shake Rattle and Roll


Today I am going to focus my efforts on things that inspire.   

I am going to intentionally seek it out and see what happens.  You see, in times of uncertainty, disruption and disappointment, the simple act of doing something of purpose can be the catalyst for change.

The word inspire just sounds like something that is ready to take flight, soar and be carried by the wind.  

What shall you choose to be inspired by today?  

A person, a place, a thing? Or might it be a poem, a song or a kind word?  It may be the sound of the waves, the smell of a baby or a the purring of your cat. Whatever inspires you to dream, hope and smile is always worth doing more of.  Wouldn't you say? 

Wishing you a great day of soaring to new heights.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


My grandmother used to say "Paula, you have two ears and one mouth. Never underestimate how important it is to listen." 

It seems like technology, social media and our ever increasing responsibilities of life give us every excuse not to be present.   Disciplining yourself to truly listen to people and have them do the same for you is not only respectful but could be the exact remedy for giving someone the gift of knowing that they matter and are viewed as important.   

There is nothing worse than being ignored when trying to talk to someone. 

I am guilty of not listening as well and have to remind myself that moments with others are important and meaningful.  Taking time to hear those things that should be heard and not rush through life is a gift and a privilege.  

If only I would "listen" to my own advice, my days would be filled with moments that I may have just let pass me by. 

Take a moment to;

  • Turn off your phone.
  • Look someone in the eye.
  • Give your employee the gift of time and take notice.
  • Compliment someone on a job well done
  • Close your eyes and listen to what is around you... or enjoy the beauty of silence.
  • Allow someone the gift of hearing their story.

..and the list goes on.

Monday, December 1, 2014


I have spent my whole career working with people to help them achieve fulfillment.  Finding clarity, building a plan and taking steps towards that goal.   We often underestimate the impact our emotions and lack of belief in self can have. I have seen first hand the powerful impact that HOPE can have.

Hope is the foundation of optimism.   

It can be the fuel that is needed to climb out of a rough situation and it can also be the comforter in getting through times of trial.

Never underestimate the power of one word, because one word can change your whole day.


Saturday, November 29, 2014


There are some people who are just naturally talented at seemingly everything. You know those types of people?

The ones that just make it look so easy. The ones who alway have amazing opportunities and from your side of the fence is seems like their life is pretty sweet.  While there are some that come by success through privilege, what I have come to realize is the majority of successful people have worked diligently and persevere through the toughest of circumstances, rarely complaining and always staying optimistic and positive despite their situation.

There are many things that each one of us is naturally talented at but there are many things that through hard work, perseverance and a winning mindset can take you farther you ever thought.

Here are five steps to keep you on track and lead yourself more effectively.

  1. Know what you want. You'll never make it without passion and a vision.
  2. Get good at it. Develop ways to increase excellence at it even it is one step at a time.
  3. Celebrate along the way.  Each milestone deserves recognition but don't forget the end goal.  
  4. Set a timeline It's so easy to get distracted.
  5. Keep yourself accountable. There is nothing better than to have someone to keep you on track

Friday, November 28, 2014


Rod Refcio to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
January 12th, 2015
The Western Fair District Carousel Room at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Rod R. Refcio is a lawyer and founding partner of the law firm Refcio and Associates. Rod hold degrees in Economics and Law from the University of Western Ontario and has been practicing law since his call to the Bar in 2003. He has also completed his Canadian Securities Course. Rod focuses his practice on working with small and medium size business, especially start-ups.

Rob’s story is entitled “ The Trials of Life”.  

After hitting the wall from being downsized in his work life and at the same time experiencing a tumultuous upheaval in his personal life, Rod knew he needed a different plan of action for “doing life”.   With vision, passion and the willingness to take a risk, he set out to not only find himself but discovered a renewed sense of purpose.

For more info on Rod, find him at

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 

Thursday, November 27, 2014


There is something about the first snow. Freshly fallen, quiet and the stillness of the morning.  I love the morning sunrise.  It is the dawning of a new day of new experiences and a new perspective...if you choose.

Leading through the maze of life is often times met with detours along the way.  

Learning to have the confidence and the faith to search for positive solutions will continue to develop your character and foster continued growth in those areas that build respect for you who are and what you do.

Our character is always tested in the dark times but it is how we lead ourselves out of it that stands the test of time and anchors our resilience in how we handle life.

Monday, November 24, 2014


I have been writing a lot about perspective and attitude the last while.   Developing personal leadership capabilities that are enduring even in the midst of struggle can become the best coping mechanism you can have.   Learning to embrace yourself amidst failures and defeats and still stand tall and know that you are pursuing life with excellence.  There are definite times in life when you win some and many times when you lose some as well.

By adjusting your attitude and envisioning that you are a winner at life (even though you may not feel it right now) will help catapult you to a more positive place.

Surround yourself with positive supporting people and do the same for others when they need you as well. There is nothing more comforting to have the confidence that you are doing the best that you can. 

Friday, November 21, 2014


The most important trait of a successful leader starts with a great attitude.  How you approach each day, each problem and each celebration all means something.  The people you inspire are more loyal to those leaders who can see the way through any situation.  

Are you a glass half full or half empty kind of person?

Want to see a noticeable shift in your life? Check your attitude and remember that keeping a positive outlook will set the tone and can transform your life and the life of others around you.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Have you ever taken a really close look at the people in your life?  

From your friends, to the people you work with, to your family, ask the question, how well you really know them.

With the extreme rise in mental health statistics it has made me stop to ponder what is really happening in the lives of those that I care about.  It also makes me take another look at my team and customers to really try and see them.

The best relationships I have are ones that show me respect, give me attention, listen to me when I am talking and those who find the joy in life but aren't afraid to share their struggles.   In return, I make the commitment to do the same.

You may also want to take a second look at remove certain people around you once you define the type of relationships you are willing to invest in.  It is not about the number of people you have on your friends list but rather the people that you really know.

Making that little extra effort will make a difference.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014



Award winning magician Keith Brown, to be featured as pre-show entertainment on December 8th at momondays London at the Western Fair District.

A professional magician and speaker, Keith was performing at Detroit Red Wings Stanley Cup Party before he could even drive a car! 

Keith Brown has toured his show Exchange across North America this summer to rave reviews, including 5 stars from the CBC! He has shared his magic with audiences in over 16 countries and in 2013 was awarded Toronto's Best Magician and he's not even from Toronto!

For tickers go to:


There is nothing more releasing than learning how to truly exhale.  Breathing deeply is one thing but taking that and learning to fully let go is not only rejuvenating but freeing.  

Life is a process and understanding what the trauma and blockages are in your life, learning how to move through those and then use it for the good of your life is a precious gift.

This can only be accomplished when you take time for you.

Walk, breathe and take in the world as you view it right now and ask yourself, "How would life be different if I was able to let go?"  It takes courage to let go of what has defined you.  It takes courage to claim what is waiting in front of you?   Which one will you choose?

An interesting challenge. Wouldn't you say?

Saturday, November 15, 2014


In general, we underestimate our self worth.  Often times we tend to speak negative about ourselves, finding all of the things that aren't good or perfect in our eyes rather than celebrating what is good.

Learning to shift our language to positive remarks can make a big difference.  It starts to turn the tide from self loathing to self loving.   What do you need to shift today to start loving yourself more?

When people share with you what they like about you... believe them!  

Give yourself a gift today and look in the mirror and celebrate everything good about yourself.

The only person that can truly change your outlook is you.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Sunil Godse to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
December 8th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Sunil Godse, President of Radical Solutions Group Inc., has been a business consultant for over 19 years.  He has authored two books, "Fail Fast, Succeed Faster.", illustrates stories of failures and lessons learned by over 250 business executives. "Gut!" explores the nature of intuition: what it is, how to trust it, and how to use it to achieve success in every aspect of your life.

Sunil's story is entitled "Trust Intuition To Overcome Failure".  

Like a bolt of lightning, intuition strikes and in an instant, lives are changed forever.  Have you ever wondered why intuition helps you make the right decision at the right time, or why ignoring your intuition so often leads to disaster? Sunil Godse reveals how not trusting his intuition emptied his bank account with marriage expenses looming and how trusting it rebuilt his career and finances.

For more info on Sunil, find him at or on Twitter @sunilgodse

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Pauline Duncan-Thrasher to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
December 8th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Pauline Duncan-Thrasher is a writer, key note speaker and trainer of Amazingly You. "Positively, Pauline" joined Toastmasters in 1978, married for the first time1997, retired from teaching in 2004, became a prayer chaplain at Unity of London in 2011. She loves Friday morning Zumba, camping in a tent, time with her husband Dan, her chihuahua Chipper, granddaughter Mackenzie, stepson Mark and friends.

Pauline's story is entitled  "From Fear To Freedom". 

Seventeen years of co-dependency took a toll on the mental health of mother and daughter. In this story of tragedy and triumph Pauline recalls her struggle to claim independence while battling her own depression and the mental illness of her mother. Masking moods and suppressing feelings finally gave way to an eruption that had long lasting consequences for both mother and daughter.

For more info on Pauline, find her at or on Twitter @beamazinglyyou

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Doug Daye to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
December 8th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Doug was a small business consultant as well as a sales and marketing trainer and public speaker. He is now semi-retired and spends his time with his 4 grandkids, his Schnoodle Stanley or off riding his motorcycle. In his spare time, Doug plays pool (8-ball & 9-ball) competitively and for fun as well as coaching others how to play the game well.

Doug's story is entitled "Down and Not Out"

We all know strong people. However, sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about. Have you suffered from depression? Doug has! Doug will tell you how he overcame his difficulties, challenges, bankruptcy and depression to persevere and bounce back to become the positive, optimistic, person he is today.

For more info on Doug, find him at 

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Leadership is having the ability to look at the horizon and envision greatness. It has having the wherewithal to see potential and look beyond current barriers and to see possibilities.  Looking for solutions needs to come with taking time to see the full picture.  To ponder on what you see and to stretch your imagine of what "could be".

Effective leadership is the result of a clear vision, measured actions and reflection.

One of the biggest hindrances of success in today's marketplace is the unavailability of time just to think. We are tasked with too much to do and not enough time. With smaller budgets and workforces, the need to produce has never been more paramount.  Learning to schedule in time to think is key to being about to envision solutions for the future.


John Fyfe-Millar to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
December 8th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

John Fyfe-Miller is a lifelong Londoner.  He has always been passionate about his community having served on many committees and sits on the Board of the London Chamber.  He is a seasoned entrepreneur as President of LBF Media Group and in 2012 purchased the Bud Gowan Antique Building and turned it into Featherbone Place, a commercial, residential and retail space.

John's story is entitled "No Regrets".  

John shares his journey of never wanting to have children but life changes our mind many times and for John it was something beautiful that he never knew he needed but has made his life richer. 

For more info about John, you can find him on Twitter @fyfemillar

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Melanie Rhora to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
December 8th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Melanie is a wife, mother, teacher, and successful entrepreneur. As a web designer with her own company, she helps clients build their online presence to reach their audience. She has a wonderful four year old son and will be celebrating her 11th wedding anniversary to her loving husband this month.

Melanie's story is entitled "Sport Flying Adventures". 

When Melanie Rhora and her husband decided to follow their dreams and open a flight school the universe sent them on a roller coaster adventure. One young man walked in those doors and changed them all, forever.

For more info on Melanie, find her at or on Twitter @MVRSolutions

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 


Rita Hartley to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
December 8th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Rita Hartley has worn many hats in her life - freelance writer, bookkeeper, fitness instructor, motorcycle enthusiast, wife, mother and friend. When sudden tragedy added "widow" to the list, she took a windy path to find her own "new normal". She has since added a few roles she didn't foresee: mountain climber, published author, survivor and thriver. Rita is working on her second book.

Rita's story is entitled "Long Climb Back". 

Rita's husband of 25 years died suddenly and unexpectedly. Her mom had passed just 10 months prior. Then her mother-in-law, a cherished mentor, was diagnosed with cancer and her health deteriorated rapidly. Rita had businesses, properties and three teenage children to oversee while struggling with grief. She tried many therapies, but climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro became the ultimate remedy.

For more info on Rita, find her at 

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I have had a wonderful rich life and have moved to many places.

One of the secrets to success has been to learn early on the importance of building community.   The best way to combat shyness and insecurity is to jump in and get involved.   Build your own community or align with something of interest whether it is a church, community group, sport etc..   Doing something that serves others along with yourself with assist you in finding your fit.

That feeling that you know you belong somewhere and are being useful and making a difference.

Reach out, introduce yourself and take the plunge. You might just be surprised that the people you meet have more in common with you than you originally realized.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Making decisions can at times be challenging.

You can give up and just quit or maybe you need do to give and flow with the way things are moving, meaning you might have to pivot and go in a different direction or for the more persistent and tenacious souls you just need to press in and give it all you got.

There are times in my journey where I, like many of us, have faced all three scenarios. None are wrong and all are purposeful at the right time and place.  The key to making any type of positive change and impact is to have the courage to make decisions that are right for you and the vision of what you want to do and where you want to go.

Courage is not easy at time but the confidence you build on the other side of owning that decision will be what you can keep building upon and where true leadership lives.

Friday, November 7, 2014


Jeff Wareham to be Featured Speaker at momondays London         
November 10th, The Western Fair District on the Yuk Yuk's Stage at 900 King St. London

A Bit About Our Speaker:

Jeff Wareham is the Vice President of IA Securities Private Client Group.  He is a graduate of UWO, and has moved around Canada in varied roles in the financial market. Jeff considers himself one lucky guy.  He resides in London, Ontario and is blessed with two incredible teens. 

Jeff's story is entitled "Stuck In The Quicksand". As Vice President at a securities firm, and a single father of two teenagers Jeff knows when he is faced with a challenge. After struggling through a second separation in ten years, and some difficult changes at work, Jeff learned to pull himself out of the emotional quicksand and excel with his best year ever.

For more info on Jeff, find him on Twitter @beyondfunds.

You meet the nicest people at MoMondays!

For Tickets: 

Thursday, November 6, 2014


Building confidence and finding peace happens when you arrive at this place of living your purpose. Of working or living where you are meant to be.

It sometimes takes the hardest and most challenging of journey's to finally make you realize what truly makes you happy. Those things you are naturally talented at and passionate for.  Those things that many may take a life time to decide to pursue or live with regrets that they never did.

Building confidence and finding peace happens when you arrive at this place of living your purpose. Of working or living where you are meant to be.

What is that you ask?

You will certainly know it when you find it and in the meantime keep asking yourself what it is you really want out of life and keep moving forward.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Go ahead.  You know you want to share this!

Sometimes the best medicine for a not being noticed for the work that you do is to just declare that you are in fact "Employee of the Day".  In today's busy world, we often don't get validated for the work that we do or the effort that we give. That, in and of itself, can be the tipping point for not caring or trying any longer.

Remember that the best cheerleader you have is yourself.  

Invest your best into the work that you do. With a attitude of excellence you will get noticed and you will be confidence in your own abilities and all of a sudden you don't even need to hear it from others.  Just look in the mirror and remind yourself that you did a great job today!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Fear can be a polarizing affliction.

It can affect you physically, mentality and of course emotionally.  Learning how to use fear as an opportunity to experience new things and face your own inadequacies will start to develop you into a person with more confidence.

I remember facing a fear of heights a few years ago.  The experience was terrifying at the time but once I was through it, it was the most freeing and empowering thing I had done for myself in a long time. It helped me to see that I have the power to conquer my fears and they are only fears if I let them be.

What do you need to change or do today so you can say "I DID"?

Monday, November 3, 2014


There is something to be said for generosity. Learning to let go of material belongings, your finances and your time are something that is hard for many.  When you start to understand that in giving of yourself in someway to make the life of someone else better it benefits both of you.

Many years ago now I made the decision to act.   Let me explain.  If I felt prompted in my heart to give someone a gift of money, rake leaves, give my kitchen table to someone in need, I would not question it but do it.  Honouring my instinct has been an incredible gift.   I can't tell you how many times I have thought of someone and felt prompted to call them and when I do, they exclaim that it was so needed at that moment.

Matthew 7:20 says that "So then, you will know them by their fruits."

Be conscious of that and see that harvest that you will produce when you start leading with generosity.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Asking the right question can elicit focused conversation and bring about results.  It can also be so useful in discussions with team and with customers when discussing ways to solve their problems.  Asking "What if" questions opens the doors of possibilities. For the last 23 years of my entrepreneurial journey it is when I have asked questions starting with "What If" that have opened doors to the most amazing of opportunities.

Feeling stuck in some area of your life? What if you started to dream about what you want? What if you allowed people in your network to volley ideas with you and what if you made a decision to take a risk an act?

Never underestimate the power of a good question.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


As someone who as been a coach, educator and leader for a long time, storytelling has proven to be an effective way of explaining information.  A good story can elicit meaning and understanding. It can provide a spark of inspiration for someone and also show empathy and encouragement. 

A well crafted story can add a personal touch to any speech or presentation and can engage an audience.

Each one of us have many life stories that are worth sharing.  I call them "spark stories"  Those moments in your life whether dramatic, funny, poignant or frustrating that spark emotion and thought.  Those are the stories that are meant to be shared, giving testimony to a life well lived for better or worse. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


There have been many times that I had wished I had trusted my gut instinct on something.  I knew it wasn't a good decision to do something yet I went ahead anyway and immediately regretted it. Ever have one of those times?

Intuition is about listening to yourself.  Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning.  I also believe that if I focus on my intuition about situations and decisions I make and also trust that God is with me to help me make those decisions than it usually ends up being the best direction.

Many times we doubt our ability to know what is best for our life.  Maybe it's time to start being quiet. Listen to your innermost thoughts and feelings and when you feel peace you may just have the decision you are looking for.

Monday, October 27, 2014


The beauty of a new day is that you get a do-over.   You get an opportunity to see the day more positively, to treat people more kindly, to pick yourself up and give it another try.  I agree that life can sure be challenging sometimes however it is exactly the living of our life that builds our character. They refine our character, they build a grateful heart, they push us to limits that we never knew we could handle or overcome.  Life is exactly what it is supposed to be...a journey.

Live this part of your journey today with focus and appreciation of how far you have come and to celebrate the uncertainty of where you are going.  The more you are focused on truly living today, the more today will show you it's awe, wonder and possibilities.

Friday, October 24, 2014


The great thing about new opportunities is that it is unchartered territory and there are new lessons to be learned and experiences to be had.   How many times do we let our fear and uncertainty about our capabilities get in the way of saying "YES"!   The next time an opportunity comes your way, consider jumping in instead of overthinking all the reasons why you shouldn't.

There are times when you just have to go and do and figure it out along the way!

Enjoy the experience and don''t forget to full submerse yourself into the experience.   It may just be the most refreshing thing you've taken on in a while.