Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014


What do you see in this picture? 

Many times we take things at face value and don't take any time at all to take in the richness of the moment. There is so much around us every day that we take no notice of and then when it is gone, we wish we had.

The same goes for the people in our life. Sometimes we don't see what is underneath the exterior. The richness of heart and soul and the desire to want to be seen and heard.

Breathe it all in today and take an extra moment to notice something that maybe you haven't before.

Wishing you a great day friends.


I am in awe of the sheer amount of snow that we received last night. The landscape this morning is beautiful from the inside and windy and challenging to navigate on the outside.

There are many moments in my life where I have forgotten to stop in awe and take the time to take it all in. 

I realize that I should do this more often rather than just seeing the challenge. 

Have an "awe" inspiring day.


I received this wonderful visual from my friend this morning and it is great illustration of how it feels to move throw those refining moments of making change and growing.

What an adventure life surely is. I know I am constantly changing and evolving and once you make the jump it never feels as hard as what you put yourself thinking about it.


Well today I am facing one of my fears and auditioning for Dragon's Den.

Here I am with my number right before my pitch.

Facing your fears can be fun!


Want change in your life... Be Uncomfortable

Be uncomfortable in the sense that there is a stirring and burning deep in your stomach that there is something that you have to do and it will not rest until you do it. 

Uncomfortable that the job isn’t finished and YOU are the one called to follow through and bring it to pass. 

Uncomfortable because there is a problem to be solved and YOU are just the person to do it.

Be challenged to make the best use of your time and energy by taking your God given gifts, talents, knowledge etc.. to fuel the fire of that "uncomfortableness".

What would it feel like to know that your efforts made a difference to you, your family or to hundreds, thousands or even millions of lives?

There is beauty, knowledge, resiliency, money and impact to be made when we start in a place of being uncomfortable. It is what you do with that feeling that makes all the difference.

Make the most of this Friday. Wishing you a great day.


Trying to make decisions and find clarity often results in a time of wrestling. You know what I mean. Those sleepless nights where your brain is on overdrive spinning between trust and worry. Those days where you need to come to a decision about something but have no peace on either side of the equation.

The process of wrestling is a spiritual one. It is digging into the depths of your heart and your soul and to learn to truly listen to that inner voice, in the stillness; and when you feel it and know what decision you need to make, it is being obedient to what you feel and following through with your decision.

"Be still and know that I am God". This one line always comes to me after a period of wrestling. It is when peace washes over and I find the solution to my problem.

May you find peace on the other side of your time of wrestling. It is there waiting. Take the time to be still and listen.

Have a peace-filled day!


Grit... that's a strange word isn't it? Wikipedia defines grit as having perseverance and passion for long-term goals.

Do you need a little more grit in your life? Too often, I see people give up, right when they are on the cusp of major breakthrough. 

Learning to discern whether to give up or press on is certainly part of the journey of life. 

It is through grit, I have found, where one build's resiliency, understanding and a deep sense of a job well done...or a lesson well learned in some cases. Have a "gritty" day!


With Valentine's Day coming up and thinking about the idea of love, one of the best movies to showcase what love is about is Pay It Forward. If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. It is not only inspiring but calls each one of us to do good in the world by reaching out to others.

Sharing one of the quotes from the movie.

Tell me about something that you did to "pay it forward". If you haven't, well today is a good day to start isn't it?

Wishing you a great day!



“Be brave enough to live life creatively".

The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can’t get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you will discover will be yourself.” Alan Alda

This is me about to catch tilapia fish with my bare hands as I make my way through a maneure fed pond as part of the harvest of an acquaculture project in a small little village in Africa. During my time in Liberia, I experienced life changing awareness of the importance of leaving your comfort zone in order to stretch the boundaries of who you are and to allow yourself to be used in a mighty way.


I didn't think so.

You can always deal with adversity by saying NO and doing whatever you can to move past it and win!  This is your life, have the courage to stand up for what you believe in. Remove negativity from your midst and embrace everything that is good and right.

Never give up on your dreams.  Take a break, breathe and try, try again.


When I was a kid, there was a song we sang about a little old ant thinking he could move a rubber tree plant.

Not unlike the picture below of the fish jumping bowls, sometimes we feel we are too small or not good enough to get to the other side of our big dream or vision.

You know what? I say this is the best place to be.

This is where adventures are built, where dreams come true and where lasting memories are made.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life". 

Attitude to me, is more important than the facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, that what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company....a church... a home. 

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot chance our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.....

I am convinced that life is 10% what happense to me and 90% how I react to it". This is an old post by Charcles Swindoll that I really like.

Do you agree with these thoughts? Happy Friday!


Pressing through the challenges of life are always easier when you have a support network around you, isn't it?

It really is an eye opening thought to realize who the people are that are really invested into seeing you through those times of struggle especially and to come to the realization that there are others more superficial in relationship than what you might have originally realized.

For me, I count myself so blessed to know clearly who those people are in my life who have made and continue to make such a positive difference.

To those that I have lovingly said goodbye to, that just want to be around for the good times and finally, for the awesome people I have yet to meet, I look forward to that.

To those people in my life that have made a difference to me,wh whether for a short time or a long time, I dedicate this day to you.

You know who you are and I hope to pay it forward myself to others in the same way you have shown me your kindness, love and grace.


A little positive self talk can go a long way.

It is amazing how our attitude and those voices nudging in our head can either send us into a tail spin of worry, dread and fear or motivate us into action and renewed energy, with excitement, hope and love.

I guesss the only thing we have to do is choose which side of that self talk we want to be on? Belief in oneself and the courage to keep pressing through is a daily event and for some hourly.

Building positive behaviours of our belief in self and our internal dialogue is the best defense against negativity and self doubt.

Kick those I cant's to the curb and say I will.

Wishing you a great day. I know, I will!


Yesterday was an interesting day for me. Got some terrific press in the Financial Post for my new technology venture and at the same time, had to bid adieu to someone that has been speaking ill of me. It is interesting what you learn about yourself, many times more through the negative experiences.

What I continue to learn is this. There is no price large enough to see the rewards of extending grace to a situation or a person.

Rising above conflict, negativity or worry and extending not only grace to yourself but to others is a gift to learn. It also releases you from holding bitterness and anger and allows you to hold fast to the morales and values that set you apart.

Is that weakness or is that strength? Well, for me it is strength.

Today I stand thankful for the people and situations that remind me that I am on the right track. For the ones that give me the gift of seeing and refining who it is I want in my life, both in business and in my personal life and to embrace my gut instinct to know and stand true to my value system and never sway.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


We rarely get the visual of the whole journey, however you always have the choice to take the first step.  Steady as she goes.  One at a time. One in front of the other and you will see your way through to making progress.


"Reinvention happens the moment you let go"

Staying in control doesn't always mean you are on the right path. What if you shift your strategy and let go of those things that you cannot control anyway and that includes your worry as well.

What would happen if you just allowed yourself to see all of the many possibilities that could exist for you? What would that feel like?

What if you allowed God to orchestrate your life in such a way that it had meaning, purpose and you were used to make a meaningful impact?

One of my favourite songs is called The Potter's Hand. In it, it tells the story of allowing our life to be like a piece of clay and allowing God to transform us into an amazing creation.

The chorus goes like this:

Oh take me, use me, fill me, mold me. I give myself to the Potter's hand.

Oh call me, lead me, guide me, walk beside me. I give myself to the Potter's hand.

May God bless you on your week ahead and may you been used in a mighty way.


What sets you apart? Makes you unique? Each one of us has a genetic makeup that is solely our own. 

You see, you were born a one of a kind original. A custom work of art if you will.

Isn't it time to show it off? Instead of trying to be someone else, why not be the best version of you!

Embrace the weekend!


I am a big brainstormer, always have ideas on how to solve problems, create new opportunities or just seeing alternative ways to accomplish things that maybe haven't been done before.

Instead of assuming that a problem can't be solved or a business can't transform itself into a profitable venture or a career can't be taken to thenext level...take some time to brainstorm different ways to achieve the end result of where you want to be.

You may just transform your potential into something beyond your wildest dreams!

Dream it. Live it! 


When you do more than is expected, you will eventually get paid for more than you do.

Give it your all. All the time, every day. That is what good character is built on and that is what being a leader of excellence is all about.


A very courageous client of mine, decided to step out amidst a very difficult past dealing with mental health issues. Her journey to sharing her story for the betterment of others and to lessen the stigma of mental health is brave and is very much needed.

I celebrate this talented woman, mother, artist and advocate who has a very strong message to share.


Character is treating others and expecting nothing in return.  When you hear someone say, "Be of good character", do you know what that means? I believe that having good character is one of the best compliments you can ever receive.

Carrying yourself consistently with good character, good morales and with integrity will set you apart as a leader worth following.


Managing life change is often times exciting but can be disruptiven and stressful as well. 

Being hungry for more out of life and having the courage to take the steps to get there are inspiring and daunting. 

What's the worse that can happen. 

Failing is good as long as you are failing forward and look how much growth will happen. 

It's always learning experience in one way or another and change will happen.


Give yourself permission to be who you truly are.

The best gift you can give yourself is to go through a journey of discovery who you really are and to come to terms with all that you are and all that you have to offer the world.

Release old behaviours that do not serve you well and replace with the positive traits of your character.

You will be blessed beyond measure.


"Success is the grace in which you climb the mountain" Paula Morand

Lately I have been writing alot about character for many reasons. I have learned as an entrepreneur when growing your business, there a numerous mountains to climb and some of them are not easy mountains. I have also just recently had two deaths in our family and it has shown me how precarious life and relationships are. Taking the time to truly define what success means to you is so important. What will people say about you when you are gone? 

What kind of a footprint will you leave? 

Wishing you a wonderful Saturday.Paula 


It makes no sense to me how there are people in this world that seem to thrive in life by attacking the character of others. 

I am so thankful for a good upbringing that taught me respect and love for others is a non-negotiable. 

I may not be perfect in many things but I will never stoop to bullying others just so I can feel better about myself.

I have coached many, many people through times like these and we usually arrive at this realization. Control the things you can. At the end of the day, the only thing you really have control over is your own character and how you carry yourself.

Dedicated to those who need a lift today.

Keep on keeping on. 


Robert Kyosoki wrote that "Success takes an investment in time, dedication, and sacrifice. This is true education. It is a process".

I think this statement is very true. I think one also needs to define what success means to them as that answer may ebb and flow differently depending on the time of life you are in and your priorities. 

Whatever the answer is though, it still remains that if you want posiitive gains in your life, you need to commit the time, energy and press on in determination to see it through to fruition.

Have a great day! 


I absolutely love planting new seeds.  The process of new ideas, and casting the net of possibility is a rush and I never tire of it.  This year is shaping up to be an exciting time and our Atlantic Canadian team is growing.

WE'RE HIRING: Contract positions available

JumpStart 720 Leadership Institute is looking for experienced coaches and trainers for numerous upcoming projects. If you have experience as a trainer or a coach, specifically in the areas of career development, employability skills training, business coaching and organizational development, we want to hear from you. 

Contracts range from 5, 10 and 14 weeks in length and will be delivered in the Greater Moncton Area, Saint John, Fredericton and Nova Scotia. 

Interested parties should email CV or bio to victoria@jumpstart720.com.


Let me ask you a question. "Are you a wanter, a wisher or a doer?" 

Motivation happens when there is a desire to see change. Start a business, get a new job, lost weight, get in shape, take a holiday and the list goes on.

Are you one that is constantly waiting for "one day, when it might happen".

The best way to start becoming a doer is just to take a step. Start with one action, one task, one decision. What's just one thing you could do today to increase your motivation and make it happen!

Have a great day friends!


LOVE....it seems like a simple thing but that four letter word is packed with so much expectation and disappointment isn't it? 

I started asking myself some questions around the word love. 

What love do I extend to others? Is it unconditional and without prejudice or have I put conditions on that love?

What am I receiving in love and am I allowing the fullness or the possibility of love to find me.

...and then I asked myself the question. "What does overflowing in love feel like to me". Love of my spouse, my children, my friends, my colleagues, my work etc...

How amazing would it feel if I was bursting with joy knowing that even the hidden crevices of my heart were filled with love.

Oh what a feeling that would be!

In a world full of stress, fear, expectation and responsibilities, a little more love may just be what the doctor ordered.

Happy Monday friends.
I love your friendship and wish you a LOVE-filled day!


"We are the clay, and You our potter; and we are the work of Your hand" Isaiah 64:8

Act like clay and not like rock. Clay is soft and pliable to move, shape and form. Clay has the hope of change built into it. Clay has no permanent flaws. In a second it can be re-made and re-created. If it does not work, the potter can change it. In fact it cries out possibility! The potter can pour all of His love into the formation of the clay.

We need to trust His touch. Rely on His perfect intentions for us. If we act like clay and not rock, the Potter can be free to do His magnificent work in us.


For some reason I woke up this morning hearing an old Doris Day song in my head. Yes, I know most won't even know this song so I am dating myself.

Anyway the chorus is Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be..the future is ours to see....etc.. It made me think about the idea of feeling like you have to be in control all the time. But do you?

What if you just "Let go and let God" and release some of that pressure that you have on yourself?

Time and time again, I have found that when I try and do this on my own volition the journey seems to be harder but when I let go of the reigns a bit and take a deep breath it always seems to come together even better.

Would love your thoughts.

Find time to let go and relax today. Happy Saturday.


Trust will always be a priority when leading teams. In an age where disengagement in the workplace is every increasing the one vital ingredient to changing culture and solidifying good productivity and satisfaction is leader's taking the time to build trust with their teams.

Is it difficult? It may feel that way but with consistent behaviour, a process for clear and open communication and solid expectations that are aligned with the organization, employee engagement starts to have a fighting change for positive change.

The employees aren't the problem. Good leaders are the problem and we need more of them.


Yes,  right there on that flimsy little limb.  For the entrepreneurs who dare to dream. For the Olympians and scientists who dare to reach for the seemingly impossible.  Sometimes you have to go out on a limb.

Don't worry the view is amazing and the rush of the wind is refreshing.


Why do some have more than others?

There are some people we meet who seem to have uber passion for their life. They have a vision, a plan and seem to be getting their enthusiasm from a never ending well of positivity and "can do" attitude.

The key to finding ambition is to surround yourself around like minded people.  Get inspired by others energy, their stories, their dreams and their actions.

You may just find that it will rub off onto you and you will drive a renewed ambition for your life before your know.

Don't give up. Just surround yourself with great people and seek new opportunity.


If I could wrap up one present for you for a lifetime....inside would be a wealth of life...in friends, purpose, family, compassion, joy and love...lots of love.

That pretty much sums it up!

Wishing you a great Tuesday my friends


Today I am doing an interview about my businesses and profile as a speaker/ author and entrepreneur.
It got me thinking immediately about all the things I haven't accomplished yet and questioned if I really had accomplished enough to give a good interview. 

Funny how it can be so easy to lean to the negative rather than embrace and celebrate the wins in life. 

"Celebrate your successes and not you failures" 

Tell yourself job well done and kick off your Monday being simply awesome. Have a great day and for the record I plan on giving a great interview too!


"Reach out when you have the chance and love with a big open heart." Gerry Hornung

Challenge to my friends - Show people you care.
Making an effort to keep in touch with those that you care about is so important. I have lived in many places and have learned that making an effort to stay connected is not easy for most. 

Pick up the phone today and surprise someone. You might just make their day and yours...and create a lasting memory.



Today is one of this days I am looking forward to. It might seem boring but a date with my son for breakfast, playing music while I cook a variety of healthy meals and then more family time with laughter sprinkled throughout the day.

I might even squeeze in time for a good book and a hot bath.

As someone who keeps a very busy schedule, it is nice to have days just to do things that bring rest and contentment.

Have a great Saturday folks!


Your set backs are also your set forths".  Paula Morand

Time and time again throughout my life I have seen this as truth. Many times we strive for something only to be stopped in our tracks for one reason or another. In the end it is those times that we look back and are thankful as that allowed us to shift gears and put us on the path that we were meant to be on. 

If you are discouraged in some way right now and facing an uphill battle and feel stopped in one way or another, maybe the situation is just helping you course correct so you can take a different path. Food for thought anyway.

Wishing you a fantastic Friday friends.


"You are perfectly and wonderfully made". 

That's right. You are. It's amazing how our own self loathing and negative attitudes toward ourselves can get in the way of stepping into our own light. That light is meant to shine brilliantly so you can be a light to others. 

First shine the light within yourself and kick that negative voice to the curb. 

Wishing you am awesome day!


The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit". 

This quote to me is so very important to remember. 

The fruit of your labour may never be seen by you. There are times that we are meant to be the one who sews the seeds but it is then up to others to water it. You may think you aren't making a difference but in actual fact you most likely are. 

Effort is always worth something if it is done with the right mindset. 

Food for thought. Have a great day friends!


Mentor, giver, leader, helper, Good Samaritan, friend.  Whatever the label you may give yourself, the fact is that when you are of good heart and mind to help others succeed, you will succeed yourself.

The key to build a solid character and to develop key leadership skills is to never stop being of service to others. You will always learn something new about yourself and time and time again you will be changed for the better because of the experience.


How is it possible that Oprah Winfrey became the billionaire success story like she has.  Or Micheal Jordan, President Obama, Mark Zuckerberg and the list goes on to thousands.  The fact is that many of have faced failures in our lifetime and probably will again.

It is the one's who get back up, shake it off and keep dreaming and wondering how their situation could get better that make it to the other side of amazing.

Never stop wondering.  Never stop dreaming about what could be rather than what couldn't be.


Okay, that's enough. That's right. I am taking to you. The one with the self defeating attitude.  The one that has so much potential but can't seem to grasp it or believe it himself/ herself.

So I am here today to cheer you on.  Grab the bull by the horns and jump on the ride of your life.

Yes, you can do it! Don't be afraid. Just try like the little engine that could.  " I think I can."  " I think I can."


It is amazing when you starting letting go and being grateful for things in your life, you stop looking for the negative and you start seeking out the positive.

Thought to ponder...


"People may forget what you said or did but people will never forget how you made them feel". Mayou Angelou

Yesterday it was bitter cold out and driving with my colleague downtown, we stopped to help an elderly women who was walking with a cane on an icy street. We ended up what was supposed to be a simple drive to her destination, being an ear to a sad woman whose tear stained face was replaced with smiles and a belief that there are people who still care. 

Never stop believing that you can make a difference ... and when you do, it feels really good. Have a great day!


Today, I had someone remind me to be confident to follow your own heart. Have the belief that you know what you want and where you truly want to be and to return to that in times of doubt. 

So,in honour of this thought, I am making some awesome decisions today. 

Time to get out of the land of indecision (as I call it) and forge ahead. 

Feels awesome! What about you?


it's time.  Yes it is!  Who says ordinary isn't a good place to be. We all have to start somewhere on the road to dreaming for bigger and better possibilities.  If you have ever heard the old adage that extraordinary people are made from regular people doing ordinary things.

Dont underestimate that your efforts make a difference.  

Keep your eyes open and never stop celebration who you are.

Just remember that in putting a little "extra" into your daily efforts, might just result in something amazing over time.


Welcome to my Dare to Dream daily manifesto.  I am going to go on a journey to share what I feel led in my heart to do every single day.  May this joinery be one to not only inspire, change and transform myself but also to be of encouragement to you the reader. I welcome your thoughts and comments along the way.  

Dare to Dream is about seeking to become the best version of ourselves and in doing so, learn to experience life and its moments, all the while learning to be grateful for the experiences and enlightenment. 

Go and Dare to Dream what your 2013 could be.